In addition to the amazing live music and performances at the festival, there will be a number of workshops and organized jams held in the Jack Millikin Centre throughout the weekend. Make sure to wander in and check out what is going on!
11:30AM Workshop - Reverse Engineering: Song Structure as a Key to Creativity with Scott Cook
In this class, we’ll take a look at how form can be a source of inspiration rather than limitation. We’ll talk about rhyme schemes, song forms, and chord progressions by number, analyze a few well-known songs along those lines, and talk about how you can reverse-engineer old forms into new creations.
12:30PM Workshop - Reconciliation and Being an Ally with CAMP SK ARTS
In this workshop you will learn about Reconciliation and how to be a better ally. Through discussion, we will collaborate about what meaningful community work looks like, how to establish long lasting and trusting relationships in communities and cultures other than our own, and examine prejudices, racism, and colonization in Saskatchewan. There will be an open question and answer period at the end, so bring your thoughts and openness to the table! Everyone is welcome! Panelists include Eliza Doyle, Holly Yuzicapi, Delia Bull, LJ Tyson, Tristen Durocher and Mitch Dureault.
2:30PM - 4:30PM- Workshop Just a Little Cranky with The Dreamers Crankie Theatre
Do you have a story to tell or a memory to share? Join the “Dreamers”, a collective of artists and puppeteers, to learn how to make your very own little Crankie Theatre. No experience necessary – just your imagination, a dash of curiosity, and an open mind as you fiddle with materials to make your story come to life. Everything provided but the story!
7:30PM - Workshop Metis Fiddle Workshop and Stories with Tristen Durocher
A Traditional Metis Fiddle Workshop. How to cross tune ADAE and AEAC# for old style music. Storytelling: on Canadian fiddle music, Metis culture, and the Indigenous Experience in Canada.

Bring your instrument, voice or just grab a chair and listen!
Each jam will feature a different instrument, however all instruments are welcome. Main stage performers will be present at these jams, giving you a chance to pick a few tunes beside some of the best!
- 1:30pm – Mandolin Spotlight
- 5:30pm – Banjo Spotlight
- 6:30pm – Fiddle Spotlight
- 8:30pm – Open Jam
- 9:30 Open Jam
- 10:30 Open Jam
- 11:30 Open Jam
- 12:30 Open Jam
- 1:30 Open Jam